Melissa Tomlinson Newell


Retired after 27 years as an Art Instructor from Edmonds College in Lynnwood, Washington, I received a M.F.A. in art from Sam Houston State University in Huntsville, Texas and a B.A. in art from Colorado State University in Fort Collins, Colorado. In addition  to making art and writing, my work includes community art advocacy projects focused on art education and creative collaborations.

I have served as a juror for Bumbershoot, the Edmonds Art Festival, and numerous Washington State Arts public works projects and have led workshops for adults and children in art since 1984. Long interested in a variety of materials and surfaces, my work includes the use of mixed media. My individual work posted on this site is based on a series of paintings focused on autobiography, identity and community.

Over the past six years the majority of my work is evolving into a number collaborative series with fellow artist, Cindra Avery. Our work is based on our shared interests in design and art, initially inspired by Matisse’s cut-outs. Each series and theme emerges organically as pieces are passed back and forth between us until we feel we have fully explored the materials, the surfaces and finally the meaning. For further information on our experience with this process please see the statement on creative collaboration.

Please contact me regarding further information about our process and for permission to use images or written content.

* To see process images related to Avery/Newell creative collaborations please visit our Instagram Account.

4 comments on “About

  1. Mike Crawford
    June 3, 2019

    Hello Mrs Newell,
    I was a student at Sam Houston when you 5aught there. You were my first teacher in my first drawing class.. I never forgot you or my class. I had to quit school because of financial reasons. I remember before i left I was in a shop downtown .Huntsville and found one of your pieces for sale, a lady in a long dress .i think it was a clay fired piece. I regret being broke as usual and not being able to purchase it. I admired your work and always wondered what happened with you. Your name came to me tonight and i was compelled to search online .

  2. Karen
    March 5, 2021

    Melissa, I came across your collaborative art in the gallery at the LFP mall and thought it was stunning. I’m going to feature it on my blog. Cheers.

    • Karen
      March 5, 2021

      And by the way, let me know if that’s okay! Cheers. I’m at and doing a series on plants and mental health.

    • Melissa Tomlinson Newell
      March 6, 2021

      Karen- Thank you for your kind words about our work and for asking permission to mention it in your blog. We look forward to reading your blog.
      Best- Melissa and Cindra

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